
“Coaching is not therapy or counseling – it is about tapping into what is possible in your life. Coaches are trained to listen, observe and to customize our approach based on your individual needs. We seek to elicit solutions and strategies from you; we believe you are naturally creative and resourceful. Our job is to provide support to enhance skills, resources, and creativity that you already have.” – International Coaching Federation.


Leadership and Career Coaching will help you move forward and achieve career success you have been striving for. In your personalized coaching sessions, we will dive deep into what is possible,overcome limiting beliefs, and design a way forward.

We all get stuck sometimes, and I am here to help you make your next move.

Leadership & Career Coaching is perfect for you if:

  • You want to grow as a more effective leader.
  • You are looking to move up in your current company.
  • You currently feel stuck in your career (or perhaps elsewhere).
  • You are new to leadership.
  • Life is good… but you know it could be better.


You can expect me to help you:

  • Create space and help you think through challenges.
  • Find focus, clarity, and new opportunities.
  • Develop and increase your emotional intelligence.

As your coach, I will hold you accountable to your actions. You will have access to tools, exercises, and resources from a decade of leadership development.

Ultimately, you will create forward movement in your career, and life.


The best way to learn more about leadership and career coaching is to reach out and set up a time to connect over the phone. Use the contact form below. (This initial conversation has no fee and no obligation).

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